
Criminal counter-investigation

Criminal counter-investigation is generally requested by the suspected, indicted or convicted litigant, but also at the request of a civil party who is aggrieved or by the family of the accused.

In some cases, an association may request it. All these people will then commission a private investigator to carry out a criminal counter-investigation.

The criminal procedure has 4 steps

  • investigation step.
  • prosecution stage.
  • The instruction step.
  • the judgment step.

The private investigators of the Prometheus Group can work

  • upstream of any legal action.

  • swallows any legal action, either after the judgment.

It is after the judgment that the counter-criminal investigation and the work of the private detective take on their full meaning.

In France, everyone is presumed innocent until proof of their guilt has been demonstrated. The proof must be obtained fairly by the public authorities which excludes :

  • The so-called “buy-in” procedure. 
  • Under cover.
  • geolocation (cell phone).

Conversely, the proof reported by a private party is free, that is, proof can be obtained by any means, even illegal.

The private investigators of the Prometheus Group specialize in the search for evidence in criminal counter-investigation.

We use legal means such as :

Nevertheless, the criminal counter-investigation is carried out in the utmost respect for the laws and regulations in force.

Our investigations are admissible before the competent courts.

Détective privé - Contre-enquête pénale

What the law says in Criminal counter-investigation !

First of all, the criminal counter-investigation is an investigation that seeks to verify an investigation already carried out and closed. It is carried out when the accused alleges that he was wrongly convicted.

This criminal counter-investigation will allow us to look for new facts in order to be able to request the review of a final criminal decision. The revision of a decision is provided for in Article 622 of the Penal Code, which states that ” a review of a final criminal decision may be sought for the benefit of any person convicted of a crime or misdemeanour when, after a conviction, a new event occurs or an unknown element of the court on the day of the trial that will establish the innocence of the condemned person or raise doubts about his guilt. »

When a criminal counter-investigation is carried out, the mandated professional takes the risk of exposing himself to a witness bribery which is provided for in article 434-15 of the Penal Code which states that ” Using promises, offers, present, pressure, threats, assault, manoeuvre or artifice during a proceeding or for a legal claim or defence in order to determine others to either make or issue a deposition, statement or false certificate, or to refrain from making or issuing a deposition, statement or certificate, is punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros , even if the bribery is not followed up. »

What is the point of dilligenting a criminal counter-investigation ?

A criminal counter-investigation may be requested after the conclusion of the investigation or after a judgment.

Every citizen has the right to use a detective. In the majority of cases, a criminal counter-investigation is carried out after the conclusion of a criminal trial, because during this trial, the judicial investigation services are responsible for carrying out the investigation. You can call on our agency:

  • After an unsured filing or a restraining order, in this case, the case is considered to be completed
  • After the conclusion of the trial and before the hearing. Before the hearing, witnesses are avoided. So, before the hearing, we simply review the file, we check for anomalies, inconsistencies, the big investigative work will begin after the judgment
  • After a judgment when the remedies are still open
  • After any appeal is dismissed, therefore in the context of a clemency appeal or an appeal for review
Why entrust your criminal counter-investigation to a private investigator?
The role of the private investigator in criminal counter-investigation!

Entrusting a criminal counter-investigation to a private investigator allows:

  • Get a review of the investigation by bringing new evidence
  • Check the survey already carried out

The criminal counter-investigation is the last resort of the condanné convinced of being innocent, capable of demonstrating a probable miscarriage of justice.

Reviewing a trial often reduces the sentence or results in an acquittal. The criminal counter-investigation also allows the incriminating of another additional perpetrator.

The knowledge and methods of our private investigators will enable a detailed and comprehensive investigation.

The private investigator’s job is to:

  • Take over the full file to develop a strategy
  • Identifying new witnesses not named in the criminal investigation
  • Bringing new evidence to the investigation
  • Re-examine witnesses and check whether the new testimony differs from the old
  • Find other authors

Our private investigators are trained in criminal counter-investigation and will quickly analyse the feasibility of the case.

The investigation report will be used to reopen the investigation as soon as possible.

The appointment
The strategy
The mission
The report

The appointment is made by a licensed private investigator of the Prometheus Group:

  • On videoconferencing
  • By phone
  • In the premises of the Prometheus Group
  • In a place of circumstance

This appointment is neither paid nor time-limited.

The private investigator will take the time necessary to listen to you in order to gather all the information necessary to put in place a strategy tailored to your needs.

The strategy will be offered to you based on the information received,the type of mission and the location where it should be carried out.

However, the strategy will be:

  • Adapted to the mission
  • Budgeted according to your needs and possibilities
  • No final extra cost (unless you expressly request to continue the mission)

This strategy will be offered to you via a mission mandate containing different otpions.

Once the proposed warrant has been duly signed, the private investigator assigned to your investigation will work with you to:

  • A mission schedule (modified according to events)
  • A location tracking (without you)

Then the mission will be carried out in accordance with the laws in force. During the mission, the private investigator responsible for carrying out the mission will keep you informed of the progress of the mission.

An investigation report will be provided at the end of the mission.

That will be:

  • Objective (findings of what the detective sees)
  • Detailed and detailed
  • Productable before the competent courts if necessary